The Best Driving School in the HRM
The best driving school is hard to find these days, and everyone wants you to pick them for obvious reasons. Let me help you better understand the driving industry as it applies to Halifax so that you may be able to better sift through the glitter and reach the gold.
This is a very important question. As with many other things, there is a lot of competition and many different companies that seemingly offer the same thing. It’s the same as going to Amazon and trying to find anything and you see there are hundred of reviews, so making it difficult for the consumer to make a choice.

In this article, I will brainstorm some of the important factors that you need to consider, when deciding which driving school in the HRM is the best one for you.
Alright buckle yourself in and get ready!
The most important factor in landing on the best driving school is : great instructors, right? So I’ve had years of experience teaching driver’s ed, and hearing the complaints of my clients (much like a bartender). And I feel I’m equipped to share with you what has caused my clients much distress from their previous instructors.
In my opinion, what makes a driving instructor great is his attributes: is he patient? Are they understanding? Is he kind? Are they well tempered? Is he good at teaching?
Most importantly, does he Actually know and have proven skills/method to convey to his students that beget serious results quickly.

As you may assume, the average training for a driving instructor while long in hours (40 hours in car and 40 hours in class), usually falls short of actual skills development. Did you ever get trained to do a job, and when it came time to do the job, you found that you’re not really ready and have no idea how to do your job, and got extremely stressed – yes, it’s kind of like that, exceeept WORSE since as a driving instructor, you’re actually supposed to look out for someone else’s safety (and the car) that may potentially cause a crash, that can affect your very own existence. I often get comments from people around me who say: “ you teach driving, oh I could never do that.”
Only experience, interest and curiosity can ever make us a great teacher…
So the real training for a driving instructor comes out of his eagerness and desire to improve his own driving (and those of others), his curiosity and interest to see why his students cannot perform what he, as a driver, has done all his life – AND to come up with workable, easy steps that any person can follow, practice and then internalize.
Most instructors are not well equipped, because 1) they were not trained effectively and properly, and 2) they did not have enough of a desire or interest to discover the best method to convey this very important skill to new drivers.
So which school is the best driving school in in the HRM? What is your story?
My personal journey as a driving instructor consisted of me starting as a teacher, having taught high school kids, teaching them English, Music, Math, and more and then learning to teach driving (I’ve always loved cars and driving them – they’re much like a modern horse, but more efficient and faster). When I watched my first students drive, I was surprised of how they can make the mistakes they can, but I was set out to be a great instructor, so I looked at the whole situation as a puzzle that I had to learn to solve.
If you’ve never made a specific mistake, how can you teach someone to correct it?
I often hear my students who used to train with other driving instructors in Halifax, that they were not patient. Some were yelled at repeatedly. Some were insulted. And a few people (yes, believe it or not) got their hands smacked for doing the wrong thing in the car! I was personally appalled to hear what some of the instructors said or did, while they were conducting a session. The general consensus of the comments said: “lack of professionalism.” We are instructors, service providers and teachers, I thought. And without patience and kindness, the training and growth of the student becomes severely stunned. In many cases, the student may be discouraged from driving altogether – how sad is that?
One student once told me : “ I don’t think driving is for me. I really don’t like driving. I think I just suck and there’s no point to practice.”
Finding the best driving school is not so easy!
Providing any service becomes a chore, and a job, then it becomes a nuisance in our lives. When this happens, we stop enjoying it, In my opinion, and work is no longer fun!
One of the driving instructors that I used to work with at a previous driving school (better not mentioned), used to work some 50-60 hours a week. I would often remind him that there would be no way for him to stay concentrated, patient and focused enough to help someone learn a new skill,. Doing things the way he did, he was going to get burnt out – and he did! It didn’t seem like that was much of a priority for this person; he just wanted to put in the “hours”. The only issue here though is that the client ends up paying the price – of not having a great experience receiving their driver education. This particular driving instructor which I speak of, was often moody, frustrated and anti-social. He ended up quitting one day, and pursued a different field altogether.
A note to the best driving instructors in Halifax, Nova Scotia – in Canada and perhaps all around the world..
So If any driving instructors come across this post, I ask that even if it’s for the sake of the students that you’ll be working with, that you avoid overworking in this role.
I used to know a driving instructor in the HRM
When we work too much as a driving instructor, It affects every area of our lives. This includes our family life, personal life, health and well being – which should always be prioritized over work. Not only is it good for us and our lives, but it is more importantly a matter of safety – our own safety (I.e. not seeing something that we would have otherwise), and the safety of a new driver!!
More info to come, so stay tuned…
In Future articles, I plan to cover other areas where driving schools are doing well or are lacking. This way, you can make a well-informed decision when it comes to choosing the best driving school in the HRM (Halifax), whether for yourself or for your loved ones.
For any questions or more information, feel free to reach out to us at https://www.bravedriving.com/contact and we’ll respond to your emails as soon as possible.
You can learn more about our mission @ https://www.bravedriving.com/about and my personal journey story https://bravedriving.com/mystory/