Welcome to the full 6+ hour defensive driving course! (please review first)
This course is 100% online, Asynchronous, LMS and self paced. You will be able to view the courses as your availability allows, and to test your understanding of the course by completing the assigned quizzes. Your total grade will be a culmination of the average of all the quizzes completed. You will also be writing a final exam, which includes 30 multiple choice questions on all the material provided in this course. Your progress will be tracked, and you’re able to continue to learn from the materials provided for 3 months from the moment you begin.
Please note: this program has a 3 month expiry date and therefore it needs to be completed in this time frame. In the event that you don’t complete the program in this time frame, we will offer you a discounted rate to repurchase the program. For more information, please refer to our terms and conditions.
Benefits of this Course
- Remove any limitation letters associated to your license, and therefore limitations on your driving privileges – from a 5N to a 5R!
- Reduce demerit points from your driving abstract
- Learn from the mistakes of others and avoid potential injury due to crashes, by viewing crashes (including commentary).
- Get to know the time-tested driving strategy known as OEA, necessary for every defensive driver.
- Learn how to drive in all different weather and road conditions, such as night driving or winter driving and more.
- Discover coping methods in case of emergency situations related to the vehicle, i.e. if the brakes don’t brake, what to do.
System Requirements
While you’re able to use a mobile device, we do recommend a computer or a laptop, in order to view all the visuals from the videos and to complete the program.
You will also need access to the internet and the data required to stream videos. The assignment will demand that you complete some reading, writing and even uploading of content to our servers.
It’s strongly recommended to use the chrome browser. It’s available for free to be downloaded for either mac or pc.
Technical Support
In case of any technical support issues, you may reach out to us between the hours of 9-5 from Monday to Friday. One of our staff members will be in touch within 24 hours, in case we are not able to assist you right away.
In order to ask for assistance, you will need to make a ticket in the ticket centre, located on the bottom of your profile page.
For your information, this is a no-reply email, so simply make another ticket for any further guidance. For some troubleshooting tips and things you can do yourself, please scroll down to the bottom of this document.
Each lesson is self paced – containing some material to read, and a video to watch at your own convenience.
While there is no time limit for each lesson, the entire course must be completed within 1 year from the time that you initiate the course. If you did not complete the course in a timely manner, there may a fee incurred to re-start the course. It’s important to watch the videos, and take notes so you are able to answer the quizzes and the assignments – and ultimately to successfully complete your education.
The video and sound quality are adjusted to the highest quality automatically based on the strength of internet connection, so make sure you have good access to internet to view the materials. This way you’re able to see the images, the visuals and hear the audio in the way they are best intended to be viewed.
Closed captioning is automatically generated for each lessons, and it can be turned on/off.
Interactive questions all need to be correctly answered. If a question is missed, you will see an empty circle/bubble below the time line of the video.
Each quiz has a pass grade (70%), and time limit (i.e. 10 min, 20 minutes) in which you have to complete the quiz, so make sure to read the questions carefully and be mindful of the time spent (there’s a time counter).
If you don’t pass a quiz, you’ll have to re-do it in order to advance. Since your final grade will be calculated based on the average all the quizzes (correct questions answered vs. total number of questions), it will impact your final grade. For each question that you answer, you’re able to immediately “check” your answer, but you’re no longer able to change your answer (of course).
Each quiz allows for one retry. Just look for and click on the yellow retry button after you fail, and you can try again.
If after doing the quiz, and reviewing the questions, you still manage to fail, you will have to re-do the lesson that precedes the quiz, including all the interactive quizzes contained within that video. In order to reset your progress in this case, please contact us at info@bravedriving.com.
Please note: the ‘next’ and ‘previous’ buttons are at the bottom of the screen.
The defensive driving assignment comes with its own material/resources (things you need to download), and you can put the answer in the box provided, or complete the answers in the .doc file, and upload it back up to the server. It might be easier to use the latter method since the questions are already there, and you just have to put in the answers below those questions.
You have a total of 7 days to complete this assignment from the moment you start it.
If you’re still working on the assignment, you can simply click ‘save’, logout and come back and work on it again.
If you’re done and would like to submit the assignment for grading, click on ‘submit’.
Within 1-2 days, you should get your grading posted. Because a live staff needs to review your assignment and grade it, you won’t be able to proceed with the course until it is graded. Once the assignment is graded, you will receive an email informing you that your assignment has been graded.
In the event that you didn’t pass, you may get some notes from our instructors on how to improve your answers, and you will get a chance at a retake. If you don’t pass still on the retake, please email us: info@bravedriving.com
Once the assignment is graded, you may need to refresh the page to continue.
Your final exam is cumulative testing of your overall course knowledge, it includes 30 multiple questions.
You must achieve a minimum score of 70% in order to graduate.
If you were not able to achieve this grade, you will need to retake another exam, for which there is a fee incurred. The exam being as easy as it is, if you’ve gone through the course faithfully, completed the quizzes and the assignments, you should be able to pass it on your one and only try.
The assessment of this program will be based on passing all of the quizzes in the program. Each quiz has its own minimum score requirement.
Your progress completion score is showing a percentage based of completed quizzes vs all the quizzes in the course. For example, if the course has 10 quizzes and you pass 1 quiz, your progress will show you at 10% of the course completed.
For each section, there is a space at the bottom to leave a comment. We’d love to receive your comment whether it’s good or not. This will help us get the encouragement to do more of what you have liked and eliminate (if possible) the things that you would prefer to be different.
If you do share a critical feedback, we will consider it and aim to improve it in future re-recordings of the program. Please keep in mind, The material cannot be changed as they need to fit the requirements of our eligibility to offer this program, and for the purpose for which it is designed.
You may also email us at feedback@bravedriving.com for ways we can improve the course, material or delivery.
Please do not share issues you’re having i.e. progressing in the comment section. There is a dedicated ticket centre for this purpose.
Once the course is complete in its entirety, we will thoroughly review your tracked progress, including the lessons, quizzes and everything contained therein.
If there is a missing or incomplete component, you will be asked to re-do that section. In the event that you have to re-do something, you may need to re-do that whole lesson.
The reset progress feature resets the progress for the entire lesson, not just a portion of it. Despite reaching the ending of the course, you may be asked to review or repeat a section due to a reason relevant in a case-by-case basis. For example, if you scored poorly on a quiz related to a section or if you haven’t completed all of the questions contained in a single lesson.
The certification will need be emailed to you after we’ve reviewed your progress. You will be required to provide a photo of your driver’s license for identification purposes, so we can identify you are the person who’s completed the course.
Troubleshooting tips:
Some of the things that can help in case of any glitches or issues follow below:
There is no need to re-do a lesson multiple times. If a lesson is completed, you will see the image below. you will want to proceed to the next lesson. If the next lesson is not allowing you in, follow the refresh/clear browser methods mentioned below.
Please avoid using a cellphone or a tablet (if possible), as it’s been reported to cause random and unexpected glitches. If you had to choose between these 2 devices, definitely use a tablet as you will need to see the visuals presented.
Also it’s important to avoid switching from one device to another device mid-lesson. While it can mostly be okay, we’ve had situations where there were issues with the ability to complete a lesson.
Can’t continue to the next lesson:
Make sure you have completed the previous lesson. You have to view the entirety of the video, submit your answers if it’s an interactive video and click on the ‘complete’ button to submit your progress. Then you can click on ‘next’ at the bottom of the page, or simply click on the title of the next lesson in the chapters list on the left hand side.
If it still doesn’t work, try the steps below for ‘refresh’ and try using private browsing/ incognito mode. There may be some cache from your previous session interfering with your current session data.
Can’t continue past an embedded question in the video:
Make sure you’ve answered all the questions correctly. A video may stop for you to answer a question, and there may be multiple questions that you need to respond i.e. one after another. If you’ve answered all the questions correctly, but the “continue” button still doesn’t take you forward, then click on the video “play” button instead. Please report this issue (including lesson name and time where this happened) to the ticket support centre asap, so we fix this issue for future students.
I answer one of the embedded questions, and the page turns white. I can’t continue forward, and I don’t see the question:
If this every happens, simply refresh the page. Once the page is refreshed, the play button will resume you back where you left of and you should be able to see the questions again.
Can’t click complete/ the complete button is greyed out:
- Did you answer all of the questions in the video? the small circles below interactive videos represent interactive questions that must be answered in order to proceed.
- Did you submit your answers to the servers? after you’ve completed watching the video and answering all the questions, you must click on the star icon at the end of the play bar, and click ‘submit my answers.’ This will enable the ‘complete’ button, and then you can complete the lesson and proceed.
Refresh: Try to refresh or reload your page, by clicking the reload page on the side of your web browser address bar.
You can also try going into your browser cache, and deleting all the cookies and cached information from your previous logged in sessions.
Conversely, you may use the “incognito mode” (private browsing mode) by clicking on the hamburger menu in the top right corner of your browser, and clicking on new incognito mode to retest the page with an issue.
Guide: Here you will find the shortcuts to refresh/clear your browser on different operating systems and browsers:
I pause the video and leave, and when I return to the same lesson it’s at a different spot:
Your interaction with the lesson, including your viewing time from the video, is saved every 30 seconds from the time that you start viewing the material. So in other words, the system saves your progress at 0:30, 0:60, 1:30, 2:00,2:30 and so on.
Quizzes: There is only one chance to retry the quizzes , so make sure you take your time and not rush. You will need to pass the quizzes in order to proceeded. If you submit the quiz, there is a pop up that asks you to confirm submitting your answers. If you submit an empty or blank quiz, that also counts as a try by the system fyi.
In the event that you did not pass a second time, you can use the support ticket centre to inform us, and we will help you further.
Error message when trying to attach a document: make sure you include some text in the answer box – it could be as simple as ” my answers are attached below.” The system might think that you’re sending an empty answer box by mistakes.
Once you’ve submitted an assignment, it must be graded by our education team. Important : you cannot proceed to the next lesson until that takes place. Once you submit an assignment, it might look like nothing has happened. Scroll to the top of the page and check for any errors. Did you leave the answer box empty? If you’re attaching your answers as a document as an upload, please still type something in the box to the effect of ” please review my assignment, thanks.”
In the case that your assignment was sent, and you received the message ” you assignment has been sent for review,” please give us time to evaluate your answers. Assignments should generally be graded within the day. Sometimes we may be backlogged on the assignments due to a long weekend or any holiday, please reach out to us if you feel your assignment should have been graded already, i.e. it’s been 24 hours and it’s not been a holiday or the weekend.
Once you’ve completed an assignment, you must click SEND and confirm the prompt. If you accidentally press “next” instead, you will not be allowed to progress. As mentioned previously, your assignment must be viewed and graded before you may progress. If you are uploading content, make sure to write something in the “answer box” i.e. please find my answers attached, otherwise your answer will not be submitted.
Once your assignment is graded, you will receive an email to that extent. If you’re already logged in, simply refresh your page and you will see your grading. There will also be your instructor’s notes on where your answers could improve – be sure to review them. If you did not pass on the first try, you may go to the assignment page, and click on “retry +1” to submit your assignment again.
Another tip to keep in mind is to submit your assignments during weekdays 9-5, when we have staff in the office to grade your assignment in a timely manner.
Continue button: The button on top of your course does not always work. It’s been reported that it resumes the last assignment, and not where you last left the course. Technical support and developers are currently looking into this, and we hope to have it resolved promptly. In this case, when you login, scroll down to the lesson that does not yet have a green circle and a check mark infront of it. It’s important to note, assignments completed currently don’t show a green circle with a checkmark in it. Update: this issue has now been resolved, and you should be able to click ‘continue’ to resume to the last place where you left the course.
Page load/ yellow square: This is continually improving. If you find the page is taking too long to load, please move your cursor or click on the screen. The page may be looking for user interaction before loading the section you want to look at. The original intention was to help speed up the loading of the page, and in our new updated version it’s being removed. This issue should not be on for much longer. Please keep in mind the browsing speed is normally slower on mobile devices. Update: this issue should no longer exist for any of the users, and the pages generally seem to load within a couple of seconds.
Course Features
- Lectures 12
- Quizzes 6
- Duration 6 hours of Instruction
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 327
- Certificate Yes
- Assessments Self
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thanks for the info i just hope i don!t forget on how to do some things
Thank you.
I finished this course in 3 days. It was a great learning, and I got so much knowledge regarding driving. Before I used to see driving as a simple task but after completing this course I see how much skills and knowledge it requires to be a good driver. Thank you Brave Driver Training for your help!
Thank you for sharing Dhaval, we are so happy to have been a part of your driving journey!)
It was a good course. I did get a lot from it. It was a good refresher.
Thank you for sharing, Natasha – you did amazing!