
Brave Driver Training 25 Hour Classroom Curriculum

The program offered by Brave Driver Training must meet all the qualifications of a full program approved by the Provincial Government of Nova Scotia, Access and/or the Ministry. Thereby the length of the program is 25 hours in length, which is 100% online and self paced.

Classroom Portion:

  • The Graduated Licensing System and what it means – The limitations of each license, Driver licensing,
  • Roles and responsibilities when using the Highway Transportation System
  • Traffic Control Devices, ie. Signs, signals, pavement markings, Traffic Control Devices and personnel
  • Administrative laws, ie. Necessary documents, Demerit point system, Rules of the road, Right of way
  • Physical and mental health of the driver and ways to cope to one’s state of mind/body, Vision, Driver Psychology
  • Road rage – the impact on oneself as a driver, and on others
  • Alcohol and drug influence – Effect of drugs, the rules related, experiences of other drivers
  • Pre-drive inspection and protocol – What to check before/after entering into a vehicle?
  • Basic Manoeuvres such as steering and visual tracking, acceleration/braking, car control and comfort
  • Defensive Driving – OEA and SIPDE programs and how to utilize these into creating time/space, Risk Perception, Identifying Hazardous Situations and driver action,
  • Safety Technology – Passive/Active devices, Car design improvements, Highway design Improvements
  • Laws of Physics – Gravity, Kinetic energy, Inertia, Centrifugal force, Weight Transfer
  • Stopping Distances – In consideration to the size/weight of the vehicle, speed, weather/road conditions, Vehicle technologies such as braking systems/drive train systems
  • Driving Techniques- How to turn, to stop, lane change, get on and off the highway, park and more
  • Driving in urban and rural environments – speed considerations, visibility, space/time management
  • Expressway environment – Characteristics, Rules, Speed, Lane choice, Effect of High Speed
  • Driving in adverse conditions – Sand, Gravel, Rain, Snow, Fog, Wind, Hills, Construction
  • Emergency Situations – Hood Flies open, Brake Failure, Steering failure, Acc Pedal Sticks and more
  • Your engine and power train – Understanding the car parts, importance of maintenance, demo
  • Owning a vehicle – Financial, legal responsibilities, Lease vs. Own and making choice based on need
  • Planning a trip – During summer and winter, How to prepare the driver or the car, Vital items, Fuel Efficient Driving

In-Car Driving Portion:

  • Automobile Familiarization: Exterior Verification, Cockpit Drill and Comfort/Vehicle Controls.
  • Learn How to Properly Adjust Seat, Mirrors and More.
  • Practice of Turning Right and Left In Residential Areas. Practice of 3 Pt Turns.
  • Steering Techniques – Hand over hand, Hand to Hand, etc.
  • The Proper Method to Brake, Including Technique, Kinesthetic Feel, and Road/Lane Position Management.
  • Curb Side Parking/ Emergency Parking, Including the Technique, the Steps and the Rules to Follow.
  • Intersection Management and Awareness. Exercising Right of Way Rules.
  • Backing Straight, Right or Left and Reverse Parking. Practice Doing 2 Point Turns.
  • Urban/ City Traffic, Lane Management, Speed Management – Maintenance and Control.
  • Lane Changes Using Multi-lane Streets, and the Proper Technique to Lane Change in Traffic.
  • Complex Turns, Turning Right/Left at Traffic Lights. Managing Awareness and Right of Way Rules.
  • Urban Driving with Parking Procedures: Parallel Parking, Perpendicular Parking and Angle Parking.
  • Driving on Primary and Secondary Roads: Increased Scanning, Use of Horn, High beams/Low beams, Lights.
  • Driving in Traffic Circles (Roundabouts), How to Enter and Exit a Roundabout and communicate appropriately.
  • Expressway Driving: Increased Scanning 20-30 Seconds, Increased Following Distance 4-6 Seconds.
  • Highway Lane Positions, Entering and Exiting a Highway, Acceleration and Deceleration Lanes.
  • Importance of Ramp Speed Limit Signs, Merge Lanes, Passing on the Highway.
  • Off Pavement Recovery, Head-on Collision Avoidance and Parking on Slopes.
  • Driving Downtown Halifax, Congested Areas, Pedestrian Awareness and One Way Roads.
  • Defensive Driving in the Urban Environment. Emphasizing SIPDE and OEA Defensive Driving Methods.
  • Observations Including: 12-15 Seconds Ahead, Checking Mirrors, Blindspot checks.
  • Running Commentary From Students to Establish Learnings and Awareness.
  • Identifying Potential Hazards, Signs and Traffic Lights, Point of No Return and Road Markings.
  • Keeping Space Cushion, Communicating, and Avoiding Being in Others’ Blind-spots, and Minimizing Risk Overall.
  • Advanced Maneuvers: Brake and Avoid, Rear End Collision Avoidance and Emergency Braking.
  • Proficiency Drills and Evaluation of Current Driving Skills. Going Through a Road-test Preparation Mock-test.

The 6 Hour Defensive Driving Course Curriculum (Theory only)

This program is based on NTSA Student Driver Manual. It’s a shortened version of the full course (25 hour program), based on specifically the Defensive Driving components of the program. It’s designed to help enhance the defensive driving components in today’s drivers. The list of topics are hereby listed below:

  • Considerations before getting into a car, blind zones, blindspots, pre-driving protocol
  • Motor vehicle accidents statistics, preventable collision, the importance of defensive driving
  • Defensive driving attitude, benefits, systems of OEA and SIPDE
  • Scanning, identifying, compromising, and communicating as a defensive driver
  • Lane control and staying centred, and lane positioning management
  • Evaluating space areas, and awareness of the critical areas around the vehicle while in motion
  • Importance of space cushion, managing tailgaters and how to be a proactive driver
  • Awareness of different types of intersection I.e. blind intersection, controlled, staggered stops, partially controlled, etc and managing behavior
  • Total stopping distance and time, and the detailed breakdown with reference to weather and road conditions present. Different methods of braking to be utilized such as braking in good time.
  • Force of impact, study of different accident types and how to avoid them in the best way possible.
  • Driving over different road conditions and types, such as sand, gravel, hills, etc.
  • What driving is like in different weather conditions such as the impact of visibility, driving in rain, and hydroplaning.
  • How to manage safe driving in fog, present glare, at night and in winter or adverse conditions.
  • Emergency situations, including what to do when your car may malfunction, I.e. no brakes, fire, hood flies open, etc.